We help you get ranked on google

The uncomfortable Truth

SEO : How Google ranks your site

Your site is beautiful, quick and responsive, and you have wonderful products, but without a Search Engine Optimization strategy in place your target customers will never find you and your sales performance will be poor.

SEO consists of


Keywords are very important for every business website as they drive targeted web traffic to your business


On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.


The number of quality relevant backlinks is the most important indication of the popularity or importance ie ranking of your website.

What does this really mean

FACT: #1 position on Google gets 32.58% of all organic traffic. That’s 18x times more than #9 position gets. Higher rankings mean more visitors, more traffic, more conversions and consequently more profit

As #9 position gets only 1.86% of organic traffic, when you climb to the top of Google for even just one keyword, you’ll get 1752% of traffic boost for that keyword. Suppose that this keyword brings you 200 visitors every month, then getting to the first position will bring you 3504 new visitors (200*17.52=3504). The important thing is that a smart SEO strategy will make your results far better.

The key components of SEO are highlighted below :

online ecommerce audit

Step 1 : Keyword Selection

Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find what websites that match what are looking for. Some keywords get hundreds of thousands of unique searches a day while others get a couple of hundred.

Keywords are one to five word long phrases. The best keywords:
Describe your business and industry
Describe your service area if you only sell locally
Describe the topics of content that your website contains
Describe what a prospective customer is thinking when they look for your products or services
Have a high volume of monthly searches in the search engines
Have a low volume of competing websites with similar content

Contact us for an indepth Keyword Research Analysis for your site

Step 2 : On Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.

An ideal web page should do all of the following:

Be hyper-relevant to a specific topic (usually a product or single object)
Include subject in title tag
Include subject in URL
Include subject in image alt text
Specify subject several times throughout text content
Provide unique content about a given subject
Contain relevant internal links

Contact us for a review of your On Page SEO


Step 3 : Backlink Building

Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website. Also knows as Inbound links, these are one of the strongest indications of the popularity or importance of that website from a Search Engine’s perspective, especially Google.

A search engine considers the content of the sites to determine the QUALITY of a link. When inbound links to your site come from other sites, and those sites have content related to your site, these inbound links are considered more relevant to your site. If inbound links are found on sites with unrelated content, they are considered less relevant. The higher the relevance of inbound links, the greater their quality.

For example, if you have a website about how to renovate cars, and received a backlink from another website about cars, then that would be more relevant in a search engine’s assessment than say a link from a site about raising pets. The more relevant the site is that is linking back to your website, the better the quality of the backlink.

Contact us to implement our patented Backlink Building Strategy to power you to page one of Google rankings for one or more of your Keywords

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