February 2, 2018 Shak

Ecommerce is dead, long live Multichannel

Multichannel Retailing

So, you’ve worked hard to set up your ecommerce operation, chosen the right platform, your branding and imagery is on point and all the products have been uploaded with multiple images, zoom function and detailed product descriptions. You have ticked off everything so far and people are falling in love with your brand. Multichannel Retailing gives Ecommerce entrepreneurs to expand, grow and amplify thier message to reach an even bigger audience. “Retailers across Europe believe that the market share of marketplaces will continue to grow, reaching around 40% of the global online retail market in 2020” (eCommerce Foundation) – so you should really consider a presence on marketplaces such as Amazon, Etsy etc

How to get the most out of Multichannel marketplaces?

Make it easy for the customer

Make sure that your listings are configured correctly to improve your click through rates and generate sales.

A picture says a thousand words

Use good and clear images with an added zoon function to go with your listings to really sell your products.

Content is king!

Your opening paragraph is crucial to winning the hearts of potential buyers. Be clear and precise, list the main features of your product and use this opportunity to tell the customer about your business.

Be in the right Multichannels

Consumers are spoilt for choice. List your products on as many marketplaces as possible that are suitable for your brand.

Be social

Work out which social media channels are right for you and your business and incorporate these into your Multichannel strategy

What makes customers buy your products?


61% of customers look at online reviews before making a purchase. If you’ve got great products, helping and encouraging people to leave reviews is a great way to generate sales.

Like, Love or Thumbs down?

Make sure that you are liked and loved by as many customers as possible. This will accelerate you towards super seller status and marketplaces will then push customer towards you.

Consumers are spoilt for choice

Providing the best possible customer service is what will set you apart from your competitors. Perhaps offer them a discount or a buy one get one free opportunity on their next purchase with you – encourage repeat business.

Be Yourself

The key is to use Multichannel to sell your products through brilliant service based around price, delivery flexibility, returns and all round super customer service you can drive them to start using your site.

Unhappy about your online sales? Get your free online ecommerce audit here goo.gl/ST5PF1 to find out why

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