June 23, 2017 Shak

The Value of Google Rankings

The difference between being at the top and being ranked  in 9th position

Google Rankings FACT: #1 position on Google gets 32.58% of all organic traffic. That’s 18x times more than #9 position gets. Higher rankings mean more visitors, more traffic, more conversions and consequently more profit

As #9 position gets only 1.86% of organic traffic, when you climb to the top of Google for even just one keyword, you’ll get 1752% of traffic boost for that keyword. Suppose that this keyword brings you 200 visitors every month, then getting to the first position will bring you 3504 new visitors (200*17.52=3504).

The important thing is that a smart SEO strategy will make your results far better.

Contact us now to see how to improve your Google rankings

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