July 6, 2018 Shak

The Growth of School Apps

September sees the return of schools from the long summer holidays to the usual frenzy of lessons and studies and many educational institutions will have a school apps in place to help Parents make sure their kids have get through academically and can handle the other curricular activities at school. Mobile school apps are an innovative way the school and the parents can assess, monitor and engage with the students. School apps now enable you to be connected with your child’s school via your mobile.

Being connected to the school app means you can be certain you’ll never miss out any important information. Other than that these apps offer a range of themes, all beautifully presented and executed. Staying connected via mobile school apps is an important step to bringing education into the modern connected world.

So let’s find out how school apps can help you:

They Keep You Updated

Apps work well in providing up to date news and events taking place in school, thus reducing the trouble of having to provide updates individually. School apps are the most convenient when you have to make updates regarding the course, class schedules, and school policies. The app offers the key information that keepsa parents updated.

They Improve Student And Parent Engagement

Mobile school apps can be used to connect people to information that matters most in their daily lives. Through this medium the latest information reaches both students and parents related to school events and other extracurricular activities, and work as a rapid reference point for school policies, course updates, and notes. Apps also provide additional information such as linking to maps, bus routes, and even what’s being served on the daily lunch menu.

These apps work seamlessly with current student information systems –like attendance records, exam marks, and teacher comment – thereby offering pupils and parents live real-time progress reports.

Universities and colleges are using mobile apps for distance and online education so that pupils can easily submit assignments and coursework online and via mobile.

They Are Convenient

If you find that spending time on the website of the school is too time consuming then, then school apps are perfect for you. Being installed on your mobile phones, they are just a click-away and easy to use.

They Encourage Communication

In many cases guardians are required to visit their child’s school to keep track progress bring made; Sometimes, however, this often becomes difficult due to lack of time in today’s busy lifestyle. Often parents often fail to visit, as there is job pressure and work stress, making it tough for them to focus on their child’s growth at the school fully. With the availability of school apps, however, parents can to be in direct touch with the school of their children. School apps allow the parents to have a 1-2-1 discussion with the teachers.

They Give Access To Information

Parents who don’t have a computer at home can now have a sigh of relief as now mobile devices are now successfully outpacing desktop PCs. With the accessibility of smartphones, accessing information has become a lot simpler. All you need is a school app to access the relevant information about your kids.

They Promote Community Integration

With school apps it has become a lot easier to contact school governors, promote charitable activity, publish minutes of important meetings, and link to local community happenings via social media. This engagement with the local infrastructure allows schools to establish themselves as valued members of the community. Some schools have even added unique messaging features such as ‘hints and tips’ Here the community members are invited to voice their opinions or concerns on topics related to the school.

They Can Provide Absent Notes

Often pupils get into trouble when they forget to carry an absent note from the parent. With school apps however direct communication with the teacher is possible; less stress and worry for everyone and students get to focus more on their studies.


Do you run a school? Or are you a governor of a school? In that case, contact us here at ecommgarage.com to see how we can develop an app to meet your specific requirements

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